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FitSchool is an innovative programme which
addresses the health and development needs of children,
in particular the development of physical fitness
as an important habit for the prevention of lifestyle diseases.
Our workout sessions delivered by a virtual trainer are an attractive and varied tool
which supports the teacher both during conventional
P.E. classes and during short “Brain Breaks”.

FitSchool trening dla poczatkujacych


These are physical workouts
of moderate to medium intensity.

The main task of the 30-mins workout session is to ensure children workout
enough in order to train and improve cardiorespiratory fitness.
The 30-mins workouts are based on an exercise load plan in accordance with WHO recommendations.
These sessions are recommended for children as a basic set of exercises
carried out together with the FitSchool virtual trainer.

How should the 30-minute workout sessions be used?

FitSchool trening 30 min

30 minute training and workout sessions

for beginners

These are moderate to medium
intensity workout sessions with a reduced load
(shorter duration of exercises with longer intervals between exercises) compared to standard 30-minute workouts.

These 30-minute workout sessions are recommended at an initial stage –
the objective is to gently introduce children to this new form of activity gradually increasing the exercise intensity through the FitSchool platform to reach a proficient level of fitness.

How to implement the 30-minute-long sessions?

FitSchool trening dla uczniów 3-min

3-minute workout sessions

These are moderate to medium-intensity physical exercises to be used as a break between classes other than for P.E. classes.

The main task of the 3-minute sessions is to stimulate the children’s cardiorespiratory
and musculoskeletal systems by offering a refreshing “break for the brain” in order to improve the students’
cognitive capacity and engagement.
It is recommend these short sessions be used even a few times per a day.
The short sessions are most effective when they are implemented 3 to 5 times per day.

How to use the 3-mins workout sessions from FitSchool database?

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